Hello and Welcome!

My photo
Quelimane, Zambezia Province, Mozambique
A small look into what my personal experiences in Mozambique are like. Written as a stream of consciousness, these are my thoughts, my successes and my failures. Life is all about the moments that we live in. I hope that the moment you take out of your life to read this blog is a positive one. The views and opinions in this blog are my own and do not reflect those of the U.S. Government or U.S. Peace Corps.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

just a quick hey, hi there, how ya doin

Well fancy seeing you here. Thanks again for taking time out to read my blog… I know it is not always the most exciting literature, and that most of the time I ramble on about absolutely nothing - so the time and dedication you put into reading this is appreciated.

The weekend passed quickly! Friday night, I spent relaxing at home with the dog and a good movie. The original plan was to travel north to Inharrime to welcome Julia (the new moz 20 volunteer) to the family, but unfortunately her car departed from Maputo rather late. So plans have been postponed.
Saturday morning, I had big plans to sleep in, and have brunch with myself. . . .and then my darn internal clock got me up at 530am like always. Sucks. I decided to be productive that morning, and did all of my laundry, my dishes, cleaned my house, and gave myself a manicure and pedicure… stopping to have brunch of eggs and pancakes along the way. Yummo.

Saturday afternoon, I ventured down to Chidenguele to celebrate in a combined birthday party of Yuri and his roommate! It was full blown Moz traditions for the birthday celebration, the cutting of cake, singing of songs, dancing, and lots of good food. Celebrating birthdays is done with gusto here- and we did just that. That evening it POURED rain, so I woke up in a lovely puddle. The water, having seeped through the edges of the tent and then my sleeping bag was cold and uncomfortable, especially for someone dealing with a “slight” headache. Sigh…. I will not miss sleeping on the ground in Mozambique.

Sunday I spent the morning at home, alternating between napping and watching movies, awaiting the arrival of my friend Alexis. She lives in Niassa province, and I hadn’t seen her since November at our Reconnect conference for Peace Corps. She is doing a massive “southern adventure” of Mozambique, and is heading to South Africa this evening. We spent the night catching up over dinner, watching a movie, and just hanging out. It was so lovely to spend some one on one time with her, and I am really looking forward to seeing her in a week’s time. It sucks being so far away from her, and some other volunteers in the North who are just such lovely people.

On tap this week – organizing things for the festival in two weekends, preparing for mid-service conference, and the normal work meetings in any week. I am going to head to Inharrime this morning with CCS to present Julia to the team/the hospital there. I haven’t been to Inharrime since Jasmin left, so it will be a bit strange. I am also taking some things for the modista (seamstress) to fix/make for me. Time to expand my capulana wardrobe! Tuesday I head to Inhambane for our official CCS welcome meeting. Working on getting things together for this partnership between CCS and Acomuza!

That is all for now.

Short post just saying hi, recapping my weekend, and letting you all know that ‘its all good’ in Moz.


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