Surprise! I am officially staying in Mozambique for a third year! I will be moving to Quelimane, Zambezia Province to work as a PCVL (peace corps volunteer leader) and with ICAP (an international organization through Columbia University) and the DPS (provincial department of health).
As a PCVL, my duties will be; Volunteer Support, Site Identification and Development, Programming, and assisting with Trainings. I will report directly to Peace Corps staff and will be working in a role of supporting all Volunteers in the northern region of Mozambique.
With ICAP I will be working with creating GAAC groups, the Peer Educators, and creating the relationships between community based organizations and the hospitals/health centers. I may be flying up to Nampula in May to meet the entire ICAP team in the north and establish my role/work that I will be doing.
My timeline is now this-
Leaving site on July 28 to Maputo, going through all of my medical things (lab tests, physical exam, dental exam) that I would do for COS anyway, to determine that I am medically fit/in a sound state of mind. That will be done on August 1st, and from there I will be staying in Maputo while Moz 22 (the new health group) goes through their swear-in ceremony/supervisor's conference, and move north then (around August 9-11th). Going to Nampula to participate in the northern supervisors conference, and from there, moving to Quelimane. Looking to arrive at my site around the 12th or so of August I think. More finalized dates to be decided in the future.
I will not have a roommate, I will be moving into the current PCV's house right now, which is a nicer apartment with running water etc right in town.
I will be getting half of a monthly allowance, in addition to my normal monthly allowance for my moving stipend. but i am going to try and save money in these next few months from my conferences/travel etc to buy things like a refrigerator etc. I will also be selling some things from my home in Quissico to current volunteers in the south, so will save money from that to set up my new home. i would like to have some more creature comforts and a more 'comfy' living situation for a 3rd year in africa.
Lua will be a hurdle to figure out. . . .Peace Corps will probably be flying my things to the north, or putting them in a car to Nampula with the other new Volunteers. Not sure if there will be room for the puppy girl... am looking into costs of flights and such to bring her north with me. . . I know it may be a stretch, but she is a BIG part of my life and sanity here.
I get 30 days of leave to the United States, sooo I was thinking of coming home over the holidays... Reasoning behind this- many of my friends will be traveling back to Pgh for the holidays to spend time with family. People are more likely to have time off, and it would be really nice to spend time with my family and such. And just being home for the holidays - snow, pine trees, skiing, FREEZING MY ASS OFF. etc haha Plus, it is when people here in mozambique are more likely to be traveling/everyone goes on holidays as well.
ok... i think that is all for now.
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