Hello and Welcome!

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Quelimane, Zambezia Province, Mozambique
A small look into what my personal experiences in Mozambique are like. Written as a stream of consciousness, these are my thoughts, my successes and my failures. Life is all about the moments that we live in. I hope that the moment you take out of your life to read this blog is a positive one. The views and opinions in this blog are my own and do not reflect those of the U.S. Government or U.S. Peace Corps.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Written July 29, 2012 . . .day after my birthday

Whew! What a day yesterday! It was one for the books that’s for sure. I have had some really really stupendous birthdays in my life. I love birthdays - not just mine, because they are a special day that is all about a person. Its not like any other day in the entire year, it’s a celebration that the world was given another integral part of the way it works. Needless to say this past one was a really great one.

The day started off with a walk to the german bakery. . . where we all bought sweet bread, macaroons, fresh warm bread etc. . .it was delicious! Then I had some coffee at home with my sweet bread, something about sitting in the sunshine with warm coffee (even though its instant crappy stuff) and fresh bread is just so good. It gave me a chance to think about all of the cool celebrations I’ve been lucky enough to have for my birthday- be it rafting adventures at the cabin, trips to the beach, going out to dinner with family, vacations with best friends, or whatever – its just always been a really special time in my life.

So after my delicious breakfast, I went to play soccer! Shocking right? Two of the other volunteers in my training class played at home, so the three of us are always looking to play pick up. Thank goodness there is always an abundance of children ready and wiling to play too! We had a really great game of 5 on 5 going, it was fast paced, challenging and a great time. Some of these kids are so talented, and many of them play without shoes. . . its interesting to think what they would be like given proper equipment, a field, and some coaching (we play on a cement basketball court type thing). So that was a fantastic time/event to add into my birthday celebrations.

Afterwards, we went back to our respective houses to clean up a bit, and then headed to the HUB area to meet. The plan was to not have a plan for the day haha. My style- totally organic, no plans, just seeing where the day took us. We had this incredible marble cake with chocolate icing – a gift from some wonderful volunteers who baked it the night before!! - and played UNO haha (when was the last time YOU played??). a pretty cool way to continue the day if you ask me.

So once everyone was semi-assembled at the meeting spot, we all took off for the first bar location. Shocking right? Hahah hey you only turn 23 once. It was a great rest of the day, hanging out with friends, lots of laughter, sunshine, dancing, beers and just a general great day of relaxing and letting loose. After 9 or so weeks of home stay- training- and the stress we have been under here it was really nice to just let our hair down and enjoy ourselves.

My night culminated with a great dinner out with three wonderful volunteers. We had grilled chicken, salad, and these things called samousha’s (not sure if I am spelling that right) oh and of course some red wine haha. It was delicious, and relaxing – even though my host family is pissed that I didn’t come home for dinner. I had told them that morning that I was spending the entire day with friends and to not expect me for meals. Its not like they were home anyway- my host mother went to the big city for the day, and again I would have been home with all children- not the way I wanted to spend my birthday haha. So needless to say, I really don’t feel like I needed a “lecture” this morning, but of course I got one. I’m over it. . . I have 7 days left here, and then get to have my own place. Take baths when I want to. Cook what I want etc. and get to know the community that I will be working in.

Woke up today feeling a little strange- its to be expected I think haha. So I spent the morning laying in my bed watching a movie on my computer and writing this blog post. I just want to take a bath. . . but I have to wait for my family to finish doing who knows what. I tried to start the charcoal stove this morning, was yelled at for that, and then lectured about yesterday, so I gave up and went back to my room haha.

I think I’m going to do some laundry today after my bath, eat something, and go try to find some Internet. Not setting too high of expectations for this Sunday, its going to be a lazy one. Maybe I will think about packing up for my big move to Quissico next week! Ahh! Its almost here!!

This past week was great, Angela came to be our weekly volunteer, so I got to spend time with her again, we worked out some of the things I am buying from her, things I will need for my house etc. I am living in a temporary house for the first month and a half, during our ‘overlap’ timeframe. Then will be moving into the house she is living in now. I have been making lists in my head about things I will need, and really should put these things down on paper.

This coming week is our last full one here in Namaacha. Its filled with language classes, some people get to start learning their local language – I have opted to continue studying Portuguese instead. Some preparation tech classes about things like settling in at site, managing expectations, legal stuff, and other tech training. Monday August 6th is our last round of language tests, we go over the emergency action plans that we have at our sites. Wednesday the 8th we depart for Maputo, have our swear in ceremony there (when I become an official volunteer- not just a trainee) and then we depart for site the 12/13th! How exciting right?

Oh! Great news!! I got my first piece of mail yesterday! It was a birthday card from my grandma – Oma. It was beyond perfection and wonderful. The timing was perfect, the card is beautiful and it made me so happy and I felt so loved. My trainee’s also made me a homemade card here, that is really really cool.

Getting texts/calls yesterday from people, emails, facebook posts etc all meant so very much. The love and support I have had during this process is overwhelming. You all mean the world to me, and I could not be here doing any of this without you. Thank you so much for thinking of me yesterday. Words will never be able to describe just what it means to me.

With overwhelming gratitude and love for all –

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