Life update;
I am back at site after the REDES Workshop that happened
this past weekend in Homoine, Inhambane Province. It was a really great
success- good venue, good food, and great informational sessions. I really
think that the girls, and the PCV’s involved in it had a nice time.
It was a
hectic few weeks leading up to the preparation of it, but once it happened it
was all worth it.
I don't know if you all remember the post I wrote about
last year’s Workshop, and the debacle that it was- this year was a complete and
total shift for the positive. I’m hoping to get some pictures of it to post on
here, and will try to write a blog describing what happened in greater detail,
I just wanted to keep you informed that it had happened, and that it was a
So what’s going on here is
that I was selected for PST (pre-service training) to be a visiting volunteer.
My week is week 7, where I will be talking about the GAAC program and HIV –
fitting considering my 3rd year job description. It is also site
announcement week, so I will be able to know who I will be living with in the
North, and can start the foundation for the PC/PCVL relationship there! I will
be in Namaacha for this from July 13th to July 20th for this
My original date
to leave site was July 28, to be in Maputo to go through the medical processes
and such before I move north to Quelimane and start my work with ICAP. However,
it didn’t make much sense to me to leave site until the 20th, to come back and
be here another 7 days before returning to Maputo. … So, I will be living in Maputo
(possibly with a friend, or a hotel) for about 2-3 weeks working with ICAP, and
Peace Corps until the 22ers swear-in. From there I will fly north to Nampula
with the newly sworn-in volunteers to assist with their Supervisors Conference.
From there, I will
bus down to Quelimane, where I will be living in temporary housing, until
around the 9th of September when the current PCV posted there
I have just under
7 weeks until I leave Quissico. In that time I have to close out some projects
here, make my rounds to say goodbye to all of my friends/family I have made
here over the past two years, figure out what to pack to go north, give Lua
away to another PCV, find a home for her puppies (she had 4 of them) and just
try to stay mentally sane through all of this.
I am really really
really looking forward to this third year extension, the work will be
incredible, and I get to explore a whole other part of this beautiful country.
However, it is really starting to sink in, that while I will still be living in
Mozambique. . . I wont be here in Quissico, in my little reed hut that I’ve
turned into a home, with my dog, my friends, and the life that I have grown to
love (even though at times I am absolutely frustrated with it).
The plan is to
spend as much time here as possible before I leave, just trying to soak it all
That's all for

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