A great good morning to you
all! For those of you who are blog-enthusiasts - I beg forgiveness for the lack
of postings lately. my excuses range from; traveling with my dad, curing
cancer, attending going-away parties for friends, work, fighting off a pack of
wild elephants, and of course the big one- not having a computer.
But all of that is changing!
Dads trip went incredibly well, it was very different for me to see, on a
personal level, how much more comfortable I felt here in Moz, not only with the
language but my surroundings as well. I had been more places, knew more things
to do and see, and was just generally more comfortable in my own skin. All of
these things, combined with my Dad's love of adventure and meeting new people
really transformed what was planned to be a good trip, into an absolutely
incredible adventure.
So, for the next few blogs,
I will be dedicating time and effort into transforming our 3 week-long
adventure around Sub-Saharan Africa into a witty, yet eloquent blog post that I
feel will be most pleasing to the eye.
Just a quick shout-out to
the family and friends I was able to skype with in South Africa, it was so
great seeing your faces and hearing your voices. For those of you who missed
out, never fear! Dad was gracious enough to bequeath upon me a small netbook
computer for the time being. So let the skype-ing commence! Send me an email,
or whatever about time/date if you are at all interested in seeing my face, and
the living room of my house haha!
I will be trying to post
pictures today as well onto my Facebook account. Lookout!
Life update; everything is
good here, I have been out of the "work" mentality for a bit now
because of Dad's trip, and my friends going-away party, but this week I will be
going into work every day. Hopefully some projects can be revised, and will
actually come to be in the future months.
On Saturday I am getting two
site-visitors! Remember a year ago when I came here to Quissico to visit
Angela? How time just slips by. Then the following weekend, I am heading down
to Namaacha to be a 'Visiting Volunteer' with the new group of trainees. I am
very excited to meet the two coming to visit me, and the remainder of the group
the following week!
Then it’s my birthday, then
in August we have our mid-service conference with Peace Corps, and at the end
of August it’s our Amizada Festival here in Quissico. . . .Lots to do, and
seemingly NO time to do it in.
Lua continues to grow at an
alarming rate, she really loved my Dad, and has been wandering around my house
in the mornings looking for him. She is full of energy like any puppy, and has
a great personality- I lucked out with this one.
So with that said, I will
begin crafting the posts about the most recent adventure with my Dad. Hold on
to your seats! It’s a good one.
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