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Quelimane, Zambezia Province, Mozambique
A small look into what my personal experiences in Mozambique are like. Written as a stream of consciousness, these are my thoughts, my successes and my failures. Life is all about the moments that we live in. I hope that the moment you take out of your life to read this blog is a positive one. The views and opinions in this blog are my own and do not reflect those of the U.S. Government or U.S. Peace Corps.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

kickin butt, takin names

It has been a very, very busy few weeks, and the fun isnt even close to being over! Where did I leave off? Dad left, and real life caught up to me in a very real, very fast way. That Saturday after his departure, was my very good friends "Despedida", or going away party. It was a fantastic party, going into the early hours of the morning, a combindation of PCV's, and her various friends and coleagues made in Inharrime during her two years there. Admist all of this partying the underlying factor of my very good friend leaving Mozambique hit home, some tears were shed, lots of hugs given and many glasses of wine were consumed haha. All in all, an excellent party and chance to say goodbye (though I have seen her many more times since then).
The first week in July raced by, sadly I did not participate in any sort of festivities for the 4th of July, but I did enjoy looking at all the merriment in the photos from home. Work went well, I'm currently juggling 3 big projects at the moment, hoping they all come together smoothly. Then it was Saturday, and I recieved two site visitors - new volunteers who are currently in Namaacha for PreService Training. To those who do not diligently read my blog (thank you to those that do) last year, while I was in training, I came here to Quissico and had a fantastic visit with Angela, the volutneer I would end up substituting. It was really cool to see how far I have come in a year, both in a personal and professional aspect.
I hosted two lovely gentlemen from Saturday until Wednesday morning, we did a variety of things; visited some local friends/coleagues of mine, toured the hospital, saw my organizations, went to the lagoon, wandered through town, met up with other PCV's in town for dinner, listened to good music, and made great food. All in all, I'd like to think they had a nice time here - its kind of hard not to enjoy Quissico, this place is incredible. The guys had a crazy travel experience to get here, a big semi-truck fell off a bridge, blocking half of it right outside of Xai Xai (about 2 hours south of me) so they had to leave their bus, walk across the bridge on foot, and try to get out of that crazy town and get here. Mind you all, this is thier first time out of Namaacha, remember how intimidated I was, where my language skills were at? It was an interesting day for them to be sure. Only to be matched by their return trip, not an hour outside of my town, did their bus get a flat tire. It was replaced and they were on their way again . . . .to get another within 5 minutes. Sadly that was not able to be replaced- so they had to find another bus. Thankfully there were 3 of them together, and they all made it to Maputo safely.
Yesterday I didnt leave my home really, I did all of my laundry (it had been piling up since my trip with dad), washed all of my dishes, did a big clean of my house, and sat down to try and organize my life a bit.
I was elected as the Inhambane Provincial Coordinator for REDES, so I and the other PCV's in Inhambane with REDES groups are assigned with the task of organizing the annual REDES workhop. This year it will be held here in Quissico and all the groups/PCV's in the Inhambane province will come here to learn, celebrate, and participate in the workshop. It should be a great time. Hopefully.
I am leaving this Saturday for Namaacha to be a "visiting volunteer" for PST, where I and Colin (a fellow Moz 18er) will be talking about an Introduction to Organizational Development to the current trainees. I will be gone from site from Saturday the 13th to Sat/Sun the 20/21st. . . .Did I mention that the REDES conference is on the 25th?!
gah. stressed.
In addition to the madness of this month, is next month as well. August holds my Mid-Service conference, and our big festival here in Quissico. The calendar gods must have it out for me... my conference is the week before the festival. So I'm trying to work out a lot of the details now, in the weeks leading up to it, so I'm not totally swamped and stressed about it during the week before.
gah. again.
Today I have a REDES meeting in the morning- we have begun making earrings to sell at the festival in August, and are working out details for the workshop at the end off this month. Then I will be going to the hospital to work out some details with CCS about my work this month, and next month. A quick stop in to my one CBO, Despertai (who unfortunately I havent been working with very much) to see how things are there. I am so focused on my REDES groups, and the coming events that Despertai has somewhat fallen by the wayside. It also doesnt help that we havent had a meeting in 4 months, and every time I go down there, my supervisor/counterpart isnt there. . get this- she has the audacity to call me yesterday and ask ME where I have been and why I havent been working with them. . . the insanity of that statement is just baffling.
Then a REDES meeting in the evening to round off my busy day.
Tomorrow, it'll be something of a similar nature, lots of running around, getting things organized, packing for the week in Namaacha - and going up to Inharrime for our final Frango Friday with Jasmin. . . .
I'm going to really miss her. She has made such an impact on my life here in Moz, I could literally not imagine my first year here without her. Jaz, if you ever read this, know how much I love ya girl, I'm so happy we came into one anothers lives, and am so excited to see what the next chapter in your life has in store for ya!
-xoxo always, your quase-sitemate

thats all for now kids. off to kick butt, and take name.

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