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Quelimane, Zambezia Province, Mozambique
A small look into what my personal experiences in Mozambique are like. Written as a stream of consciousness, these are my thoughts, my successes and my failures. Life is all about the moments that we live in. I hope that the moment you take out of your life to read this blog is a positive one. The views and opinions in this blog are my own and do not reflect those of the U.S. Government or U.S. Peace Corps.

Friday, October 25, 2013

what's in a word?

As many of you may know, I am scheduled to take the GRE on November 9th in the capital city of Maputo here in Mozambique. This test, and its results are necessary to be admitted to graduate school – preferably with a good score.

So, with that said, I would like to take this opportunity to expand your minds a bit with some of the great vocabulary words I have been studying up on, and relate them to life here in Moz. – a small study trick I’ve been using.

Aberrant: abnormal, different from the accepted norm
            -how it relates to life here? I am the aberrant one. Everything about me, and the way I do things is different from the “norm” here in Moz, and vice versa.
Cacophony: a disagreeable, harsh or discordant sound or tone.
-every morning when my neighbors blast insanely loud music. Note- “morning” being 4am.
Ennui: boredom
            -something every volunteer struggles with at one point or another
Grandiloquent: pompous, bombastic.
            -all men in Mozambique, especially those in positions of power
Impecunious: having no money, broke
            -all peace corps volunteers, especially at the end of the month
Precocious: mature at a young age.
            -every child here in Mozambique. I literally saw a 3 year old using a huge knife to cut tomatoes yesterday.
Soporific: causing sleep
            -hot season. The temperature today reached 110F, and its not even “hot season” yet. Yikes

the list could really go on. . but I think you all have the general idea. Haha I really need to get some of this math “lingo” down for the test. But honestly who uses the quadratic formula on a daily basis? Not this girl.

Oh, and another funny thing about words – only today, after over a year and half living in Mozambique, did I learn the verb “to hate”. It’s odiar (similar to odious; hateful). How neat is that… I haven’t had to use the word hate, or the phrase “I hate” yet here in my life. Interesting, right? Just goes to show, that I must not “hate” many things about life here.

Also- made chocolate chip cookies with Dona Julia yesterday, from one of the Betty Crocker mixes that you can get at the grocery store (just add butter and water) OMG was it awesome! So please, if anyone wants to send me a care package solely of these cookie mixes (and pretzels) I’d be perfectly ok with that. Haha! I knewwww I should have brought more back. They would be perfect for the holiday season.

Dad update- he’s doing well! Talked with him quickly last night, and all doctors/nurses have given him a big “thumbs up” for his recovery! Yayyy!

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